What will be done under the pilot phase?
Under the Pilot phase, ABM will be tested with small-scale ABM demonstration projects for climate change adaptation, which are either replicable, scalable, or need funding for continued maintenance & operation.
A four-year approach
Starting in 2019 to 2023, ABM will be tested on the ground through pilots in collaboration with partners, such as the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). The pilot phase will aim at 10-12 demonstration projects in Africa. ABM will be tested with small-scale projects, which are either replicable or scalable, or need funding for continued maintenance and operation. The certificates for the Adaptation Benefits of the demonstration projects will be granted to the project developer for free, while the Adaptation Benefits of replication, up-scaling or continued maintenance and operation will be promoted to various potential investors or lenders to mobilize enhanced action and finance.
Establishment of an ABM Board, Methodology Panel & Secretariat
An ABM Board, Methodology Panel and Secretariat will be established by the AfDB in 2019 to guide, advise and facilitate the pilot phase. The use of Adaptation Benefits certificates would be tracked through a register. Based on the experiences and lessons learned from the pilot phase, ABM will be delivered to the international climate change community for wider use as a voluntary tool. ABM is deemed relevant for all countries in all regions. Funding from various sources, such as international funds and donor countries is welcome to demonstrate the mechanism during the pilot phase.
Enable project developers and host countries to determine the Adaptation Benefits in advance
It is envisaged that after the pilot phase, sufficient infrastructure, methodological work, and awareness will exist to enable project developers and host countries to determine the Adaptation Benefits in advance and sign off-take agreements with donors or climate change financiers, without having demonstration projects in place first, or on the basis of micro-pilots. The off-take agreements will guarantee payments on delivery of Adaptation Benefits following verified performance of the adaptation projects and certification of the Adaptation Benefits. Payments for Adaptation Benefits will enable financial institutions to consider ABM revenues as a new source of income and as extra security against loans and equity investments.
Proposed Pilots
While the African Development Bank has created several preliminary techniques that can be adjusted to a given situation, project developers, on the other hand, are allowed to suggest new techniques.
The scope for ABM projects
The scope for ABM projects is very broad covering all aspects of adaptation and resilience to climate change. The African Development Bank has developed some initial methodologies that can be tailored to a specific context. However, project developers are free to propose new methodologies.
ABM Early Concepts
Early concepts include:
○ | Solar powered irrigation pumps to help farmers overcome unreliable rainfall; |
○ | Drip irrigation technology to make better use of available irrigation water; |
○ | Sustainable practices to protect cacao plantations from diseases exacerbated by climate change; |
○ | Climate resilient agriculture to diversify income streams of vulnerable farmers; |
○ | Development of weather information systems to provide farmers with accurate weather forecasts; |
○ | Job creation for the most vulnerable groups affected by climate hazards, particularly women and youth; |
○ | Coastal protection through afforestation with mangrove trees; |
○ | A range of clean energy technologies, which free up women and children’s time enabling them to become more economically productive or attend school and hence become less vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. |
Schematic overview of the ABM pilot phase

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